Saddle Pressure Study

The results you will see in this study are from the Hidalgo Valencia 2 Baroque leather tree saddle with the same horse & rider.

The saddle was brand new on test #1. The saddle had approximately 25 hours on test #2

Study was completed by Sophie Gruneis of Austria. Here is her website:

Details of Test

Saddle Pad: Grandeur Physio Pad

Pressure Sensor Pad: Medilogic®

Medilogic Pad

Upon start of the test the horse was ridden for approximately 40 minutes in all gaits to the left and right circle. After horse and rider were warmed up the Medilogic pad was placed under the Grandeur Physio Pad and Hidalgo Valencia 2 and ridden the same way for 5-10 minutes. The results were observed after the shorter ride to retrieve more accurate results. 

Test #1 November 2023 (brand new saddle 0 hours of use)

-black bundle of lines in middle indicates rider position during test. 

Nov 2023 1st test

Test #2 January 2024 (saddles has approx.: 20-30 hours of use)

-black bundle of lines in middle indicates rider position during test. 

-red spot indicates users finger pressure as she was handling the pad


Feel free to email us if you have any questions. You are welcome to contact Sophie via her website listed above. 

Remember, all pressure studies are variable as nothing is consistent between any horse and rider on any particular day or saddle.